"78 rpm" =Diamond 3mil conical tip replacement needle.2-3 grams tracking pressure.Made in Japan
Replaces: Any 541 type needle, see 'related products' belowNOTE: Because this needle is designed for use specifically with Ortofon cartridges, it can be found in numerous brands of turntables. In some cases the cartridges for this needle may be original equipment supplied with a new turntable, but was more likely selected at time of sale to complete a turntable sold without a cartridge or later as an upgrade to the original cartridge supplied by the turntable manufacturer. This needle should be matched primarily to the cartridge type not necessarily the turntable.ORTOFON CARTRIDGES: Any one that uses a '541' Type BLISS™ Stylus as shown on our site.
78RPM Conversion for:Stylus 3EStylus 5E Stylus 7Stylus 10Stylus 14Stylus 15Stylus 20Stylus 30Stylus 40 and more.
NOTE: Because this needle is designed for use specifically with Ortofon cartridges, it can be found in numerous brands of turntables. In some cases the cartridges for this needle may be original equipment supplied with a new turntable, but was more likely selected at time of sale to complete a turntable sold without a cartridge or later as an upgrade to the original cartridge supplied by the turntable manufacturer. This needle should be matched primarily to the cartridge type not necessarily the turntable.