Flip Over Needle Primarily for Tetrad 22D,22S,42D,42S,E2,G2,24S,24D,44S,44D,E4,G4 Series Pickups
Once you have a visual or part number match, choose your tip/speed option suffix carefully. For details, go to
Flip Needles FAQ .(unless ALL SPEED version chosen above)
Replaces: Tetrad needle numbers: 22, 24, 42, 44, E2, 4, G2, 4
Used In: Tetrad cartridges
containing: 22D,22S,42D,42S,E2,G2,24S,24D,44S,44D,E4,G4
Equivalent to these other replacement #'s:
ZENITH NEEDLE 56-551 56551
ZENITH NEEDLE 56-560 56560
ZENITH NEEDLE 56-580 56580
ZENITH NEEDLE 856-89 85689
ZENITH NEEDLE 856-94 85694
also suitable for Zenith Cartridge 142-185