11D,11S,31D,31S etc Type Stylus for Tetrad
Once you have a visual or part number match, choose your tip/speed option suffix carefully. For details, go to
Flip Needles FAQ .(select all speed version above to be able to play 78's)
Replaces: Tetrad needle numbers
containing: 11D,11S,31D,31S & 11D78,11S78,31D78,31S78
Used In: Tetrad cartridges
containing: 11D,11S,31D,31S & 11D78,11S78,31D78,31S78
Partial applications sample list:
DYNAVOX MODELS 388 2325A 2325B 2335A 2325B
PHILCO MODELS 5920 5922 1905
Go to our "find my player" tool to find your specific model as many tetrad type needles look very similar.