REPLACES:• PIONEER NEEDLE PN-3MC (high output - no special Moving Coil preamp required)• PIONEER NEEDLE PN-4MC (low output - special Moving Coil preamp required)
APPLICATIONS:• PIONEER CARTRIDGES PC-4MC PC-3MCPIONEER PC-401MC cartridge (as a downgrade to conical)
• PIONEER MODELS A5000 A7000 A9000 A 9500 A950 G2 G3 MT125 PERSONA-S5 PERSONAS5 PERSONA-S7 PERSONAS7 PERSONA-S9 PERSONAS9 PL-05 PL05 PL-X9 PLX9 PL-X300 PLX300 PL-210 PL210 PL-4 PL4 PL-44F PL44F PL-6 PL6 PL-8 PL8 PL-620 PL620 Our ©opyrighted data contains proprietary, embedded data patterns. Support us, thee site that originally brought this tedious data to the web so you can get spinning again rather than others that copy our hard work. PL-720 PL720 PL-730 PL730 PL-730 PL730 PL-730 PL730 PL-740 PL740 PL-7 PL7 PL-L800 PLL800 PL-740 PL740 PL-8 PL8 PL-930 PL930 PL-L800 PLL800 PL-X50 PLX50 SC-5 SC5 SC-550 SC550 SOUND-SC55 SOUNDSC55 SYSTEM-X770 SYSTEMX770 SYSTEM-X990 SYSTEMX990 SYSTEM-X990 SYSTEMX990 SYSTEM-XG7 SYSTEMXG7RECOTON SP976D
MC cartridges are rare and SUPERior in performance to standard MM (Moving Magnet) cartridges. If this needle is above your budget for getting your pioneer turntable back up and running, please look in our cartridges category under 1/2" mount cartridges. Most any 1/2" mount MM Cartridge will substitute. Some will get you back up and running at a much lower cost. Keep in mind that the overall sound quality will be lower than what you might be used to from the Pioneer MC cartridge. • The difference, as found in the radio button menu above, in our opinion between the original and the aftermarket is minimal in reference to the 3MC & 4MC. However the 401mc is elliptical tipped whereas the aftermarket replacements are all conical.
• "D7" =Generic Diamond 0.7 mil bonded conical tip needle. • 1.5 - 2.5 grams tracking pressure. • Replaces: PIONEER NEEDLES PN-3MC PN-4MC PN3MC PN4MC • Used In: PIONEER PC-4MC PC-3MC Moving Coil Cartridges SPECS:
Genuine Pioneer Stylus = 0.5 mil spherical diamond (PN-3MC) • Output Voltage = 2.5mV (1kHz, 50mm/s Peak velocity, LAT) • Tracking Force = 1.7g to 2.3g (proper 2g) • Frequency Response = 10 to 32,000Hz • Recommended Load = 50k ohm • Net Weight = 3.1g