BLISS brand Shibata Upgrade for Shure N97HE Needle
This shibata tipped needle brought to you by BLISS will transform any compatible cartridge with a lesser-equipped stylus into a high end playback solution capable of exceptionally faithful, clear and true sound reproduction. quadraphonic system not required to enjoy the near perfect sound reproduction that shibata tipped needles offer. Shibata needles have maximum contact with the record groove, better than conical, elliptical and hyperelliptical tips.
For any type of quadraphonic (4-channel) record playback, be it of the discrete (CD-4) or matrix (SQ) variety, in addition to this quality shibata stylus, the following components of a complete quad system must all be present and in working order:
• NOTE: Because this needle is designed for use specifically with SHURE cartridges, it can be found in numerous brands of turntables. In some cases the cartridges for this needle may be original equipment supplied with a new turntable, but was also likely to have been selected at time of sale to complete a turntable sold without a cartridge or later as an upgrade to the original cartridge supplied by the turntable manufacturer. This needle should be matched primarily to the SHURE cartridge type not necessarily the turntable.