PLEASE NOTE: We have ONE Genuine Shure N12 Needle available.
Used In: SHURE SPS-2 (private label) cartridgeOriginal needle color is usually: ORANGEElliptical needles have more efficient contact with surface of the record than a conical tip."M" = manual professional type (highest internal compliance specificaltions.)Original needle color is usually:NOTE: Because this needle is designed for use specifically with SHURE cartridges, it can be found in numerous brands of turntables. In some cases the cartridges for this needle may be original equipment supplied with a new turntable, but was also likely to have been selected at time of sale to complete a turntable sold without a cartridge or later as an upgrade to the original cartridge supplied by the turntable manufacturer. This needle should be matched primarily to the SHURE cartridge type not necessarily the turntable.EVG NEEDLES PM3164DESHURE NEEDLES N-12SHURE CARTRIDGESAPC-2 APC2 ARC61 CA-2 CA2 EAGLE-A EAGLEA MASTER-EC-1 MASTEREC1 MP-2 MP2 PRO-11 PRO11 SPS-3 SPS3 SPS-2001 SPS2001 5000S APC-2 ARCG 1 BU802 CA-2 DS2 E2002 EAGLE-A FORMULA2 F2 G2000 LTD MASTER-EC-1 MD195 MP-2 MS35E PRO2000 P2000 PRO-11 S300E S98ED SO595 SPECI SPS-3 SPS-2001 2001 STX20 VIP85 PSM93 SPS-2RADIO SHACK, REALISTIC NEEDLES RS647