This belt is found in, but NOT necessarily limited to, the following Equipment:AIKO ATP-704 AIKO ATP-707 AIKO ATP-711 AIKO ATPR-401 AIKO ATPR-406 AIKO ATPR-407 AIKO ATPR-440AIWA NSX-D55CRAIG R-200 T-530 T-640 T-641 T-691 T-692 T-693 W-460DYN ELECTRONICS DS-407EMERSON 66FISHER CR-W983 CR-W9335GENERAL ELECTRIC GE 3-5230AGRUNDIG 119-5 GRUNDIG CR-366 GRUNDIG RC-315HAMMOND HD-595HITACHI TRK-5350H TRK-5360H TRK-5360HC TRK-5361H TRK-6800 TRK-6830H TRK-7020H TRK-7050H TRK-8080H TRK-8080HCJENSON R-220 R-408JVC 9405 9406MEDALLION 65-485 65-487A 65-489 65-490 65-498MORSE 84K 85PANASONIC RS-736USJC PENNEY'S 1051-5039 3252RANGER-TENNA TC-104C TC-112-CMX TC-112-MPXREALISTIC RADIO SHACK 12-1814 12-1815 14-807K 14-928K 34-251-701 KC-72-1SANSUI D-950WRSANYO FT-607 M-2415H M-2415L M-6400 M-6464 M-9965 M-9975 RD-4300 RD-4350 RD-4550SEARS2015000-188132-91633600132-91733600132-91801600132-91811600SHARP AV-5000 RT-442U RT-480U RT-2500U RT-3500USKANDA RC-550SONY XK-21 XK-23 XK-25 XK-M11STATLER 400 Vari-SpeedTEAC 40 210 240 V-385TOSHIBA CA-900002 GT-5000 PC-4030 RT-8000S RT-8067 RT-SF5 RT-SX2 Orive RT-SX4 TMC-7560 TMC-8560T-690PILOT P-289 BSR C129R1 F-5080
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