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T4P cartridge EPC-P100CMK4
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T4P cartridge EPC-P100CMK4

hi-end Pmount cartridge
very sorry, gone forever! never to return.

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March 10 2010 we have 2 left, then gone forever.
update: 2hrs later, 1 left, a few hours later all gone.

Please don't email us asking if we have or will get more. I wish we could say yes but they are gone forever.

Hi-end EPC-P100MK4 P-mount mm Cartridge with tapered boron pipe cantilever TTDD all HPF core.
• This Legacy Cartridge is New Old Stock. Comes in factory packaging with all paperwork.

Terms & Conditions (for this cartridge only)
Please note the stylus is obsolete, a retip is the only option. The factory supplied EPS-P100ED4 is expected to last up to 1000hrs.
Technics will not honor the warranty on this cartridge. We will professionally inspect this cartridge prior to shipment. We will check the coils, overall physical integrity at 60x magnification especially the stylus tip. Finally we ensure that the bearing/bushing is still good. Bearing deterioration of NOS cartridges in our experience happens only if the cartridge has been improperly stored. The cartridge will arrive in the factory box with all the original parts and paperwork. We will send it sealed with special void stickers. You can inspect it through the clear plastic prior to breaking our void seals. Prior to breaking the seals you can return it at your expense in the exact same condition received for a full refund minus
our shipping/insurance costs to get it to you. After the seals are broken, purchase of this product, constitutes agreement to a 20% restock fee, ONLY if the cartridge is returned in the exact same condition as shipped. If cartridge is dropped/scratched, cantilever or stylus broken off, or otherwise misused/abused in anyway shape or form, we will not accept the return. Please do not purchase this cartridge if you do not already fully understand how to handle the extremely delicate nature of this item. All returns time limit on this cartridge is 14 days.after receipt.

please type "I agree to the terms " in the checkout comments box to avoid shipping delays.

Type: MM, One-point suspension
Magnetic Circuit All "HPF" core, precision ground finish
Cantilever: Pure boron tapered pipe
Damper: TTDD (Technics Temperature Defence Damper)
Magnet: Disc-shaped samarium-cobalt (BH) max.=30MG Oe
Frequency response: 5-120,000 Hz
Output voltage: 1.2 mv (1 kHz), 5cm/s. zero to peak, lateral velocity (3.4 mV 1 kHz, 10 cm/s. zero topeak, 45 degrees velocity, DIN 45 500)
Channel seperation: More than 25 db (1 kHz), More than 20 db (10 kHz)
Channel balance: Within 0.5 db (1 kHz)
Compliance: 12x10-6cm/dyne (100Hz, dynamic)
DC resistance: 30 Ohm (we measure about 37-40 ohms)
Inductance: 33 mH
Impedance: 210 Ohm (1 kHz)
Recommended load resistance: 10kOhm~1MOhm
Recommended load capacitance: Less than 500 pF
Stylus tip: Linear elliptical stylus
Effective moving mass: 0.055 mg
Stylus pressure range: 1.25 +-0.25 g
Overhag adjustment range: Plug-in connector (comes with adapter for 1/2")
Weight: 6 g
Replacement stylus: EPS-P100ED4

application chart for similar cartridges.

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